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Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival

What is the Dragon Boat Festival?

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Jie/Tuen Ng (端午節), falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which typically corresponds to late May or June. In 2022, the Dragon Boat Festival will be observed on June 3.

Being one of the most important Chinese festivals, Dragon Boat Festival is believed to serve as a commemoration for Qu Yuan, a Chinese poet and minister known for his patriotic sacrifice thousands of years ago. In more ancient times, the Dragon Boat Festival also served as a traditional medical and health festival.

What are the Dragon Boat Festival traditions?

Following the legend of Qu Yuan, dragon boat racing continues to serve as one of the most important and popular Dragon Boat Festival traditions. To this day, dragon boat races have evolved to become exciting sporting events that are held annually across the world.

Another important Dragon Boat Festival tradition is the consumption of Zong Zi (粽子), or rice dumplings wrapped with bamboo leaves. The fillings of Zong Zi can greatly vary depending on regional differences and personal preferences, from savory, marinated meat to red bean paste. It’s also not rare to come across Zong Zi with mixed sweet and savory fillings!

How is the Dragon Boat Festival celebrated in Canada?

The Dragon Boat Festival has become an annual celebratory phenomenon across Canada in the form of local festivities, often featuring dragon boat racing, amusement attractions, and other activities. A few notable festivities include the Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival and the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival, which are cultural fests that have truly become independent tourist attractions over the years.

In preparation for the Dragon Boat Festival, many Chinese-Canadians will also purchase materials in advance to make their own Zong Zi for family and friends to savour. At the same time, Zong Zi with a wide variety of fillings are also available in many Chinese restaurants and supermarkets for everyone to enjoy!