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Press Conference: Launch the Asian Heritage Month Project

Asian Heritage Month Activities with the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

On May 10, 2023, the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCCGT) is honoured to launch the Asian Heritage Month Project funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education.

The purpose of the project is to recognize and reflect on the many contributions that people of Asian origin have made, and continue to make to Canada, through the creation of a new curriculum-aligned digital and online resource materials and toolkits, to assist with the understanding of the Asian Heritage Month, and the Chinese Exclusion Act in Ontario. A special Asian Cultural Sharing Fair will be planned and presented during the Asian Heritage Month 2023, with partners from the cultural community.

Project Activities

Activity #1: Creation and production of digital and online resource materials

The CCCGT will create and produce digital and online resource materials and toolkits to assist in the learning of Asian Heritage Month in Ontario. Resources will be aligned with the curriculum from grade 1 to 12 and will be made available for a minimum of two years on CCCGT’s website.

Resources will include storytelling videos, printable and colorable Asian Heritage Month posters, pamphlets, questions and answers documents, and craft videos.

Resources will also engage students and teachers in thinking critically about commemorating the Chinese Exclusion Act. The CCCGT will distribute the resources created through outreach with its existing network, including local school boards.

Activity #2: Asian Cultural Sharing Fair

The CCCGT will deliver an in-person full-day Asian Cultural Sharing Fair on May 28, 2023 at Yonge-Dundas Square, from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm. There will be an online live broadcast which can be streamed in the classrooms across the province. The content will be aligned with the curriculum, and include Asian costumes, crafts, arts, music, dance, and food culture showcasing and demonstrations.

Activity #3: Reflection on the Chinese Exclusion Act Online Forum

The CCCGT will organize an online forum for students, teachers, historians, and community members to discuss and reflect on the impacts of the 1923 Chinese Immigration Act (Chinese Exclusion Act) on Canada, and how to learn from this history. A recording of the forum and the video will be posted online for teachers to use in the classroom, and a summary of the forum will be produced as a teaching resource.

This Asian Heritage Month’s website will be posted on the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto’s website for two years. It will continue to expand and be updated with current related materials as resources for students and teachers.






CCCGT 將精心創建和製作一系列線上教學資源包,來幫助安省學生學習及了解亞裔文化月。此資源將配合1-12 年級的課程內容,且CCCGT 的網站將至少提供此資源兩年。此教學資源將包括敘事影片、可印刷的亞裔文化月相關海報、小冊子、包含關鍵問題和相應答案的文件,以及傳統工藝視頻。此資源還將鼓勵學生和教師們對《排華法案》進行深刻的批判性思考。 CCCGT將通過其現有社區關係網(其中包括當地教育局)分發此資源。


CCCGT 將於 2023 年 5 月 28 日 (週日)中午 12 點至下午 6 點在Dundas Square舉辦一場亞裔文化分享會。此活動將同時在網上播出,教師們可選擇在教室內為學生提供活動直播。活動內容將配合中小學的課程內容,其中將包含亞洲傳統服飾、工藝品、音樂、舞蹈和飲食文化展示及示範活動。


CCCGT 將為學生、教師、歷史學家以及各位社區成員組織一場線上專題論壇,其論壇的目的將為反思《1923年華人移民法案》(《排華法案》)對加拿大造成的影響,以及如何從這段歷史中吸取教訓。此論壇的錄音和視頻將發佈到網上供教師在課堂上使用,論壇的內容也將製作為相關教學資源。

該亞裔文化月主題網頁將在CCCGT網站上保存至少兩年。 CCCGT將在此基礎上持續擴展和更新相關材料,讓其成為全省學生和教師們了解亞裔文化月的關鍵資源。